How Common Is It for a Sexortionist to Upload the Video

Are you being blackmailed with sextortion (sexual practice extortion)?

Contact me here using the contact form. You don't have to go through this solitary. I can help!

Important: If you paid the scammers anything at all, they will but turn around and ask for more . This is how this scam goes 100% of the time. Don't exist fooled into thinking a one-time payment will exist the finish - IT NEVER IS!

In 98% of all cases I've worked on, the scammers are overseas (Africa, Philippines, Morocco, India, etc) - even if it looks like they accept a USA phone number. That's considering they utilize phone apps such as "text now", "text plus", and "hush", etc that will provide any phone number and area code they want. Simply put: if you've never met this person earlier (contiguous) so chances are y'all're dealing with an overseas scammer.

If you lot contact me, I'll telephone call back every bit presently every bit I can - sometimes immediately. When you lot use the contact form, I'll also send y'all a link to listen in on a previous call I had in example I'thousand currently on the phone with another client.

The recorded call is similar to 95% of all calls I take, though your circumstances may vary slightly. It provides insight to this crime, including an explanation of who might be blackmailing you lot, useful tips, and also explains how I can help. Information technology's quick, convenient, and 100% anonymous.

If yous have time, go on reading through this mail. Information technology's long, but informative and answers frequently asked questions (FAQs).


Why Go With My Sextortion Services? Here'southward 6 Actually Good Reasons

one. I accept dedicated my entire professional career (21 years) helping others with technology-related issues (click here to read all 2,000+ of my articles). Since 2014, I've shifted focus to cyber crime mitigation, including technical support fraud and nearly recently, sextortion . Want proof? Click here to view my credentials; click hither to see my Available'due south Degree in Computer science (1999); click here to read an article written nearly me by Alan Gardyne of Associate Programs (2003); click hither to view a recommendation for my services from the Academy of Florida (dated 2006).

2. I am a subject thing expert (SME) on the topic of sextortion, having researched this scam in depth for the last ii years. I've listened to over 2,000+ phone calls in regard to sextortion and have successfully completed over 750+ cases.

three. I estimate approximately 98% of my clients don't get exposed using my plan. My service is multi-layered and covers many scenarios. This scam is propagated by multiple countries across the world and diverse groups of scammers bargain with this scam differently. For the last 2 years, I've listened to what my clients have told me and I've developed an all-encompassing plan to limit and completely prevent your exposure in almost all cases. Even if you are exposed, I have multiple contingency plans to get you out of this mess - even if y'all signed up for Ashley Madison , for case.

four. The fourth dimension to consummate your example is typically ane-iii days . This is the fastest turn-effectually fourth dimension for this type of service on the Net - and yous don't need to pay a premium price to get information technology. Other services take substantially longer.

5. With my program, in that location's only 1 fee and you will see and empathize the entire process from start to finish with total transparency . My programme is as well reusable if the scammers come back again 6 months or a yr later - considering many of them practise. Other services may get out you completely in the dark and charge astronomical fees with multi-stage payments required for continued protection with petty to show, or no resolve at all. Exist careful here - if information technology sounds too practiced to be true, it probably is.

6. If yous purchase my services, I will provide unparalleled ane-on-i consultation and support for upwardly to 60 days . Here's what you may non know: the scammers typically piece of work in groups - normally in an function environment - and will pass your name inside the group, and as well sell your information externally to other criminal offence syndicates. In other words: they're going to stick around for a while.

Update 2022/03/16 :

Here's a run-down on what yous volition receive:

  • an explanation of what is involved in this scam, and multiple ways to defeat it.
  • are scammers demanding money right now? I've got viii set-to-get made up scenarios you tin utilize to stall the scammers and get them off your back - fifty-fifty if they are demanding you practise a video call with them in order to prove that you're on the way to Western Matrimony to wire them money! The Philippine scammers use this tactic VERY often.
  • a bullet-proof plan to prevent your pictures and videos from being leaked on social media, including multiple contingency plans if you are exposed. Additionally, I've got automatic tracking tools to notify yous if videos and pictures are leaked online.
  • v different scenarios (excuses) you can use for your wife / girlfriend to foreclose your exposure, plus multiple contingency plans if y'all are exposed. These excuses are incredibly useful especially if you signed upward for Ashley Madison (and like hookup websites) and y'all don't want your wife and kids to find out. The African scammers have no problem contacting your wife and kids with your videos and pictures. I've seen them do it time and time again!
  • y'all'll likewise receive ii distinct methods to track and locate scammers. One method is completely stealth. One time the scammers are located, y'all can scare them into leaving you alone with the information y'all've collected and/or you can report them to regime. I've got real case studies on how to do it.
  • if your videos are leaked to third-party sites, I will get them removed. I'll show that I'm working on it by sending yous screenshots of what I'k doing. I know for a fact that the African scammers love to upload your videos to Youtube and other third-party websites, then tag you in it on social media. They also like to make upwards posters and say that you engage in the abuse of children and will threaten to pass it to police.

The information I'k providing isn't rocket science. It's written in simple English and easy to follow and takes 1-3 days to complete and minimal time required (ii hours estimated the first twenty-four hour period, and 1 hour per 24-hour interval thereafter). Using my plan you will succeed ! The showtime hour y'all start on this you will be in Great SHAPE!

Don't forget: Consultation with me is Free . All you have to do is contact me.

Got time to keep reading? You lot'll discover a lot of informative information beneath.


  • Sextortion - What to Practise (and What Non to Exercise)
  • Do Blackmailers Follow Through? (And What to Expect)


Infopackets Reader Peter T. writes:

" Dear Dennis,

I accept a friend who recently met someone on Facebook. For sake of statement I'll refer to my friend as Bob and his romantic interest as Tina. Bob says he received a friend request from Tina two days ago and after simply ten minutes of text messaging, things started getting hot and heavy. Tina and then asked Bob to go into a video chat; as presently equally he entered, Tina was already naked and playing with herself. During the chat, she stopped to bulletin him a few times, though never spoke any words. Each time, she asked Bob to reciprocate by showing his privates, including his face.

In a moment of weakness, Bob agreed - and that's when the video chat stopped abruptly. Tina then demanded that Bob send her $xv,000 using either World Remit / CashApp / Ria / MoneyGram / Western Union, etc. Bob says he's managed to get the toll lowered to $300 - which he's already paid - but now Tina is asking for more than or the blackmail video will get alive. Then far, he's sent the money to Ivory Coast, Africa . In an unrelated annotation, Bob says he'southward besides sent money to another lady in the Philippines .

Tina has already added all of Bob's family and friends into a group chat on Facebook and is at present threatening to release the sextortion blackmail video - every bit proof, she'southward sent him pictures of the group chat, even though Bob took his business relationship offline. She says that if he doesn't send $ii,000 by tomorrow, she's going to upload it to Youtube as well. I've been subscribed to your website now for over 10 years and I know you are the man when it comes to dealing with online scams. Tin can you Please HELP? "

My response:

Update 2021/06/28 : Farther down this article I've included some FAQs, including:

  • FAQ: Tin you track down the scammers?
  • FAQ: Will the scammers go abroad if I shut down my Facebook / Instagram, etc?
  • FAQ: What happens if I block the sextortion scammers?
  • FAQ: Practice blackmailers follow through with their threats?
  • FAQ: Will the FBI help me? I reported the scammers via the IC3 website.
  • FAQ: I'thousand scared. Should I call the constabulary?
  • FAQ: Should I hire a lawyer?
  • FAQ: Tin you delete my picture and/or video?
  • FAQ: I'm interested in hiring you. How do I know you won't scam me?

I suggest yous read the article in its entirety and somewhen you'll become to the FAQs.



Update 2022/03/16 : I accept studied this scam in-depth for the last 2 years. I accept listened to ii,000+ phone calls from clients and have successfully resolved 750+ cases. I am offering a bulletproof programme to ensure that fifty-fifty if the sextortion scammers do follow through with their threats, the damage will be adjacent to zero. Consultation with me is FREE . Annotation that this service is paid support; view my resume here. I take 20 years in Information technology and am a senior systems ambassador with Real credentials (click here to run across my caste); in fact, my services were recommended by the Academy of Florida as far dorsum in 2006 . Once paid, I offer unlimited back up to my clients. If you're already sold, then by all means - contact me now!


The Anatomy of a Sextortion Scam (Facebook, Instagram, etc)

This scam has many names, including: "sextortion", "Facebook blackmail scam", "Instagram sextortion", "Google hangouts blackmail scam" or "online romance scam", etc.

This sextortion scam can happen literally anywhere online - whether it'south a dating website, chat site, chat app, game site or game app, or through Facebook or Instagram straight. They all accept one thing in common: the threats almost always involve exposing the sextortion victim through friends / family - usually through Facebook or Instagram. That'southward because nearly anybody on World has a Facebook account (and fewer with an Instagram business relationship).

Here'south how the scam works:

The Male person Version of the Sextortion Scam

One time a friend request is received from beautiful woman, the advice begins. The chat usually begins innocently, but rapidly turns sexual. The sextortion scammers usually offer to ship fake pics of "themselves" scantly dressed, and so inquire for reciprocation and/or atomic number 82 the victim into video chat. Once in chat, the victim is secretly recorded in an deed.

While this is happening, the scammers download all the data on the victim - usually nigh always on Facebook or Instagram.

They do this for ii reasons:

  1. the typical response from the sextortion victim is to cake the scammer and/or shut all social media, simply this is in vain (see #2 below)
  2. the scammers employ the offline copy of the victim's account to contact friends and family directly in order to make additional threats; blackmailers so use this information to follow through with their threats [pic] .

The Female Version of the Sextortion Scam

The female person version is long and fatigued out because women don't typically spring into phone sex and/or send nude pictures immediately (like the men exercise).

Oftentimes scammers volition pretend that they are in the army, navy, a rock star, a bitcoin investor, etc. Oft the simulated profile has a very masculine career choice.

In many cases I've worked on, women get scammed twice over. Oft, women end up sending tens of thousands of dollars either through an investment scam or because they believe the scammer is real and needs fiscal help. This usually happens over a long period of time (1+ month).

After the money has been sent, trust has been established and now the relationship turns sexual, whereby the victim exposes herself. Equally with the male version of this scam, the blackmailers accept already downloaded all of their personal information off of Facebook or Instragram (in most cases). The scammers then hold the videos and/or pictures as ransom and asking the victim keep sending money, otherwise she volition be exposed to family unit and friends.


In either case, once the sextortion scammers 'have the goods', they need payment immediately. Frequently, scammers request cash in big amounts. Victims usually downplay the amount and negotiate. In the male version of the scam: the scammers utilise negotiations as a fashion to 'feel out' the victim in order to decide if they have any cash at all.

Proving the Threats Are Existent

To prove the threats are existent, scammers will send pictures of the victim's friends / family / followers on Facebook or Instagram, and sometimes websites associated with the victim's workplace.

Oftentimes, the scammers volition threaten to post the victim'due south raw video on Youtube, stating that it'due south in "private fashion", just will go "public" unless money has been paid.

Another very famous tactic is to postal service a snippet of the victim's moving-picture show on a fake sextortion poster [pic] that that claims the victim is a pedophile, with threats to spread it around the Internet.

At this point, the victims usually pays up - the same solar day or next day by way of wire transfer (MoneyGram, Western Union), online cash services (CashApp, Remitly, Ria, World Remit, etc) or past gift card payment.


One time the sextortion scammers receive the funds, they will never end asking for more than - no thing how money much you pay! That's how this scam goes 100% of the fourth dimension. Don't exist fooled into thinking a one-time payment will be the end - IT NEVER IS!


If the scammers don't get what they want, they will continue threatening the victim. The threats can be astringent and are used every bit psychological warfare.

Part of the game is to keep the victim in chat for as long as possible in order to mentally run them downwards, and/or make the victim check in every day (usually in the morn) to ensure they haven't run abroad and to ensure payment will be sent at a later on appointment.

If payment is non received (usually by the second week) then sextortion scammers volition increase the threats and/or follow through by contacting the victim's friends / family / followers .

Therefore, information technology is recommended to have your case mitigated as soon as possible (contact me hither).

Other ways victims fall for this scam include:

  • Straight SMS texting (regular phone texting) from the 'wrong number'
  • Online dating sites (Facebook Dating, Adult Friend Finder, Ashley Madison, Friction, etc)
  • Adult-oriented websites (anything that is raunchy)
  • Game sites and app games (Fortnite, Words with Friends, etc)
  • Casual Chat websites and apps (Omegle, Whisper, Kik, Whatsapp, Google Hangouts, etc)
  • Other social parts of the web (Discord, web forums, etc)


Update 2022/03/16 : I have studied this scam in-depth for the last ii years. I take listened to 2,000+ phone calls from clients and have successfully resolved 750+ cases. I am offer a bulletproof plan to ensure that even if the sextortion scammers practice follow through with their threats, the damage volition be next to zip. Consultation with me is FREE . Note that this service is paid support; view my resume hither. I take 20 years in IT and am a senior systems administrator with REAL credentials (click here to run across my caste); in fact, my services were recommended by the University of Florida as far back in 2006 . Once paid, I offer unlimited support to my clients. If you lot're already sold, then by all ways - contact me at present!

FAQ: Can you lot track downward the scammers?

Yes - only with limitations. It is possible to rails the scammers and I am now including ii distinct methods to runway scammers - one which is completely stealth - in my arsenal of tools. Note, that if used incorrectly, this method can backfire with astringent consequences, especially if the scammers are using a virtual private network (VPN).

Once the proper data has been obtained, I volition share it with y'all and the scammers approximate location and Internet access provider will be revealed. This can exist used to threaten the scammers because this same data tin exist used with their local law enforcement. Or, if you lot similar, you tin can torment the scammers with this information and even need they pay your money back !

This process takes very lilliputian time to implement and I've got video tutorials that explain how to exercise it.

FAQ: Volition the scammers go away if I shut down my Facebook / Instagram, etc?

Absolutely not - in fact, the scammers are betting on the fact that you lot volition exercise this .

Closing your social media accounts is a bad thought for two reasons.

Here'southward why -

1. As soon as you start communicating with the scammers - whether it's on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Words with Friends, Ashley Madison, etc - they will download all of your data from Facebook / Instagram for offline purposes.

In other words: if you lot close your social media accounts, it won't affair because they already have a re-create. When they have this information, they are able to contact your friends and family directly, fifty-fifty if your account is offline - here's proof of what I but said [film] .

Almost anybody has a Facebook account and the scammers know this. Equally I've already mentioned, 99% of the time, the scam revolves around either Facebook or Instagram. In the rare occasion that you don't own a Facebook or Instagram business relationship, the sextortion scammers will expect you up online Google, LinkedIn, etc and dig for information based on your family or workplace and/or retrieve this information from your previous chats with them.

2. If y'all close your accounts, it tells the scammers that you're scared. If they know you're scared, they're going to threaten y'all 10x more than.

Eventually yous volition want to close your accounts: merely merely after you have your case mitigated. Contact me hither to get your example started. The only reason I suggest closing your accounts is in case you are exposed: you don't want people looking you upwards online.

FAQ: What happens if I block the sextortion scammers?

The threats will escalate at an exponential rate and your chances of being exposed will also exponentially increase .

If y'all block them straight away, they might disappear for a new days - but they always come back.

Sometimes they will wait 2-iii days before contacting you again. This happens quite a bit.

I suspect this is the case because they are busy scamming people all 24-hour interval long; when you lot don't produce whatever money, they motion onto the next victim that is producing. But fear not: your proper noun volition definitely go into a queue and they will start re-working their "lost leads", like any legitimate business would.

If they tin't become a agree of you, they will start looking upwards contacts on Facebook or Instagram, and then reach out to friends and family unit. It's all part of the Facebook blackmail [pic] scam.

If you don't accept a Facebook account and they take your phone number, they'll do a reverse lookup on your phone number, observe out where you live, and search for relatives on Facebook and/or apply the yellow pages.

When they reach out to friends and family, they will say something like: "Joe needs to become a hold of me as soon as possible, otherwise there volition be consequences," and will include a caput shot from the video you were secretly recorded in (or picture the pictures yous sent). Friends and family will then become back to you request "What does this mean?" and forward the head shot. At this point you lot'll realize the threats are existent .

Sometimes they'll contact friends and family with another threat, such equally claiming that you enjoy little kids [moving picture] and they have a video to bear witness it.

In more than astringent cases, they volition expose yous straight away past uploading your video or pictures to friends and family directly through Facebook or Instagram (ordinarily), though sometimes they volition upload your video to Youtube within the 1-2 calendar week mark if they can't extort you for coin.

Don't want to take that chance ? Contact me straight away and get your case mitigated within 1-3 days. Consultation with me is FREE - whether by e-mail, phone, or webcam. I have a solid plan and I've worked on 750+ cases already. I also accept real verifiable credentials.

FAQ: Do blackmailers follow through with their threats?

Yes , merely it depends on your circumstances.

Update 2022/04/10: I've answered this question in depth. Encounter: Do Blackmailers Follow Through? (And What to Expect)

In summary, delight note that:

  • the scammers are anonymous (and are usually overseas)
  • sextortion is an organized law-breaking; they piece of work in groups
  • the scammers will practise anything to get your money

With that said:

  1. If you paid any money to the scammers, they will never terminate asking for more.
  2. If you lot paid the scammers anything to "buy yourself fourth dimension" - THINK AGAIN - considering someone else within the group will contact you and ask for more money. Don't think for a moment you lot are safe from being contacted again before your "new deadline" to pay more.
  3. Each day that passes, you take a 50-50 adventure of beingness exposed. That said, y'all are likely be dealing with a new scammer each day. Don't recall for a moment y'all're off the hook if you didn't go exposed on day 1 and ii because on twenty-four hours iii you'll be talking to someone new.
  4. For every day that passes, the gamble of your exposure increases.


Update 2022/03/16 : I take studied this scam in-depth for the terminal two years. I have listened to 2,000+ phone calls from clients and have successfully resolved 750+ cases. I am offering a bulletproof programme to ensure that even if the sextortion scammers do follow through with their threats, the damage will be side by side to zero. Consultation with me is Free . Notation that this service is paid support; view my resume hither. I accept 20 years in Information technology and am a senior systems ambassador with REAL credentials (click hither to see my degree); in fact, my services were recommended past the University of Florida as far dorsum in 2006 . One time paid, I offer unlimited support to my clients. If you're already sold, so past all means - contact me now!

FAQ: Volition the FBI help me? I reported the scammers via the IC3 website.

No, the FBI will not help you .

Here'south why -

Unless you lot've been scammed for millions of dollars and have indicated such in your report, you volition non receive a phone call from the FBI. Make no error: this sextortion scam is on a very large scale with possibly millions of people already scammed. In fact, virtually victims lose hundreds or even thousands of dollars direct abroad, only to find out that they keep asking for more.

Even so, the FBI IC3 website receives thousands - and perchance tens of thousands - of complaints daily and no homo is going to filter through all the reports in gild to contact you. They are simply besides busy with other major Internet crimes.

About the only thing good about submitting a complaint through IC3's website are the annual reports produced each year which highlight Net crimes past age, demographic, etc.

FAQ: I'm scared. Should I call the law?

If it was this easy, you lot wouldn't be reading this right now .

Based on many, many testimonials I've heard, the police ever recommend shutting downwards your social media accounts and blocking the scammers. Unfortunately, this isn't going to work.

Here's why -

The scammers are counting on the fact that you're going to block them and shut downward your accounts - because that's what a lot of victims do - and they are fully prepared to deal with this scenario.

The fact is: if they can't get a hold of you lot, they are going to start reaching out to your friends and family [pic] with a headshot from your video or pictures that they have on you lot, and demand that you contact them. Friends and family are going to contact you with this information and you lot're going to realize they aren't messing around. If you wait too long, they are going to betrayal you.

How do I know? Considering it's happened countless times already.

Don't want to take that risk ? Contact me straight away and get your example mitigated within 1-iii days. Consultation with me is FREE . I accept a solid plan and I've worked on hundreds of cases already. I also have real verifiable credentials.

FAQ: Should I hire a lawyer?

Hiring a lawyer is a complete waste of time and money UNLESS y'all know 100% who the person is and you know 100% where they are located AND you tin can prove they are harassing you.

Hither's why -

Every bit I've mentioned already: in 99% of all cases I've worked on the scammers are either in Cote d'ivoire Africa [pic] , or they are in the Philippines. I know for a fact that at that place is a Law firm that is advertisement their sextortion services for $3,000. For that, y'all will receive a cease a desist order.

Question: what exercise you recollect is going to happen after you paw a cease and desist order to a scammer in another state?

Answer: you're going to piss off the scammers and they are going to expose y'all immediately, or they are going to laugh in your face (but virtually likely the sometime). Why? Because the sextortion scammers are in some other land and are operating with practical dispensation. Even so, some scammers only don't intendance and will expose you anyhow.

Don't want to accept that risk ? Contact me direct away and go your example mitigated inside one-3 days. Consultation with me is FREE . I take a solid plan and I've worked on hundreds of cases already. I also accept real verifiable credentials.


Update 2022/03/sixteen : I take studied this scam in-depth for the concluding ii years. I take listened to 2,000+ phone calls from clients and have successfully resolved 750+ cases. I am offering a bulletproof programme to ensure that even if the sextortion scammers practise follow through with their threats, the harm will be side by side to zip. Consultation with me is Complimentary . Notation that this service is paid support; view my resume here. I accept 20 years in IT and am a senior systems administrator with REAL credentials (click here to see my caste); in fact, my services were recommended by the Academy of Florida every bit far back in 2006 . One time paid, I offering unlimited back up to my clients. If yous're already sold, then past all means - contact me at present!

FAQ: Tin can you delete my picture and/or video?

Yep, but merely if the video is uploaded to a 3rd-party website. If y'all're request whether I can magically bound into the scammer's PC or smartphone and stealthily delete your video and pictures, this is Not POSSIBLE.

The fact is: the scammers own your video and picture show(southward) and tin can do whatever they want with it. Even if the scammer promises to delete your video and pictures (and ship you a video as "proof" that they deleted information technology), they will just plow around and ask for more than - in fact, the Philippine scammers do this all the time. As such, at that place is no way to show that the information was in fact deleted. The same sentiments are true if you hired a third-political party to strength the scammer to delete the information for you - there simply is no way of knowing if the video or film was in fact deleted.

FAQ: I'k interested in hiring y'all. How do I know you won't scam me?

I get asked this question a lot, understandably.

Hither'due south a bit of background on me: I am a senior systems administrator, Information technology technical analyst, computer programmer and publisher. I take nearly 40 years of computing experience, 20 years in Information technology, and concur a degree in Information science from the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I have owned and operated this website for over 20 years, published over 2,000 articles online, published vi books, and I take helped thousands of people through email, by telephone, and by remote desktop back up.

Bated from publishing tech-related articles and providing tech support by phone and over the Net to businesses and end users effectually the globe, I have been dealing with online scams (mostly romance scams and tech support scams) now for 7 years and know them inside and out.

With that said, there are lots of ways to prove I'one thousand legit:

  • You can review my resume on
  • You can read all 2,000 of my manufactures over a twenty-twelvemonth span online this site. Take your time - there'due south a lot of info hither!
  • You lot can look at a moving-picture show of my information science degree. It's beautiful and very much real.
  • I can send you government-issued photo ID with my name and moving picture on it (which looks similar to my film on this website), recent bank records that show my corporate name on it, my articles of incorporation to prove yous that I ain a legitimate business (sole proprietorship in 2001; incorporated in 2007). Some information is redacted, of form. I'm not hiding anything considering I'm 100% legit.
  • I can do a video conversation to bear witness yous I'm real and am the same person listed on this website. I can answer your questions - under no obligation. I can also practise a telephone phone call. If you're as well shy for that, I tin also send you an e-mail regarding my services. Consultation with me is free - up to fifteen minutes .
  • I tin ship y'all citations regarding my name over the last 20 years, including a recommendation from the University of Florida dorsum in 2006.
  • Y'all can review user testimonials based on my technical support services online this site. These testimonials are from real people.
  • You can inquiry my name in Google all you like. You won't find anything bad about me.

For near folks, that should be enough. If yous're already sold, contact me here.

Additional Information

If you lot want more free advice, here are some related articles from Facebook - updated October 23, 2021:

  • FBI IC3 Sextortion Public Service Annunciation, September 2, 2021 warns the public of this scam
  • FBI IC3 Report 2021 - 18,000 complaints in 2021 with $18 Million in losses (under reported)
  • What should I exercise if someone shares an intimate photo of me without my permission?
  • How to Report Things on Facebook (above link is more than specific)
  • What Yous Need to Know Nigh Romance Scams from the FTC

I promise that helps.


About the author: Dennis Faas is the owner and operator of With over 30 years of computing experience, Dennis' areas of expertise are a wide range and include PC hardware, Microsoft Windows, Linux, network administration, and virtualization. Dennis holds a Bachelors degree in Computer Science (1999) and has authored six books on the topics of MS Windows and PC Security. If you similar the advice you received on this page, please up-vote / Similar this page and share it with friends. For technical support inquiries, Dennis can exist reached via Alive chat online this site using the Zopim Chat service (currently located at the bottom left of the screen); optionally, you can contact Dennis through the website contact form.


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